At St. Joseph's, prayer liturgy plays a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us all to join together as one in prayer and worship.
Prayers take place every day and can take many forms including class prayers and class prayer liturgy. Friends, families and parishioners are welcome to join us for our special services.
Each day begins and ends in prayer and the whole school gathers together every Monday. We try hard to live our Gospel values and we strive to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
Significant feast days are celebrated throughout the Liturgical year with Mass celebrated in school to mark the beginning and end of the school year, during Lent and Advent, on the Feast of St Joseph and at other times.
Families are encouraged to pray together at home. We send home the Wednesday Word each week via Seesaw. Mrs McKidd and Miss Byrne support our children and their families in sacramental preparation.