About Us
Please use the about us section to find out important information about our school. Both parents/carers and visitors will find this section useful. Visitors are welcome to contact the school, (using the 'contact us' information on the home page,) for further details regarding any information on this page.
Our school day runs from 08:45 - 15:15.
Lunch is at 11:45 - 12:45 for EYFS & KS1, and 12:15 - 13:00 for KS2.
Gates to the school playground are open from 08:30, and KS2 operate a 'soft start', which means pupils are able to enter the school building and work in their classroom from 08:30. EYFS and KS1 will line up in the Upper Playground at 08:40, ready to enter school at 08:45 to start their day. Members of staff will be outside on both playgrounds from 08:30 - 08:50 if you need to speak to someone.
Gates will be closed promptly at 08:50 (when morning registration closes). If you need to enter the school after 08:50, please do so via the school office.
The official end of the compulsory school day ends at 15:15, and staff will remain outside until 15:20. If you have not collected your child by this point, you will need to go to the school office to collect your child.
There are, obviously, occasions when you may be late collecting your child, so we ask that you call ahead to make the school office aware of this.
The school week is made up of 32.5 hours in line with the government requirements.